Environmental Audit
Toshiba Group's Environmental Audit System
Since FY1993, we have been conducting environmental audits in accordance with the comprehensive environmental audit system established by Toshiba to improve environmental management. This audit system consists of corporate-wide environmental management audits, environmental audits of manufacturing and non-manufacturing sites, and environmental technology audits of products of business groups. In FY2023, on-site audits by auditors of the head office were resumed, which had been suspended mainly at overseas sites in consideration of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we have continued to develop new audit personnel and implement training to enhance the compliance system.
* Toshiba Group's Environmental Audit System

Risk management
Emergency response
We establish the standards of action in case of emergency at environmental facilities, organize a system to take proper action, and periodically provide training at each business site and plant.
We provide training in the presence of the audit group even during the implementation of Toshiba Group's Environmental Audit System. We examine through training, whether actions are taken based on the procedures, and whether communication and measures are promptly and thoroughly performed.
We conduct careful prevention and management of soil pollution by soil investigation with observation wells, compliance with the Structural Design Guidelines for preventing chemicals and oils from scattering, flowing out or penetrating into underground, water quality monitoring at the final drain outlet, and installation of emergency shutoff valves.

Corporate Data
- Topics
- CEO Message
- Message from Chief Sustainability Officer
- Toshiba Tec Group Sustainability Policy and Materiality KPI
- Special Feature SDGs x Toshiba Tec
- SDGs of Toshiba Tec
- Environment
- Social
- Governance
- Feature: 5-Minute Guide—Toshiba Tec CSR Activities
- Integrated Report