Promoting environmental management harmonized with business operations
Toshiba Tec group will aim at improving the foundation of environmental management by implementing the PDCA cycle including compliance with laws and regulations, as well as environmental management systems while providing environmental training, developing personnel responsible for environmental activities, and carrying out environmental communication and biodiversity conservation activities.
It mainly focuses on ISO activities, environmental training and checking through environmental audits, along with environmental activities, such as Global Environmental Action and biodiversity conservation, conducted in cooperation with employees and their families or NPOs.
Corporate Data
- Topics
- CEO Message
- Toshiba Tec Group Sustainability Policy and Materiality KPI
- Special Feature SDGs x Toshiba Tec
- SDGs of Toshiba Tec
- Information disclosure based on the TCFD recommendations
- Basic Policy / Vision / Strategy
- Promoting environmental management harmonized with business operations
- Offering of Environmentally Conscious Products and Services
- Reduction of environmental impact in business activities
- Social
- Governance
- Feature: 5-Minute Guide—Toshiba Tec CSR Activities
- Integrated Report