Toshiba Tec Group will contribute to solutions to social issues by achieving KPIs (numerical targets) which are set for the Materiality (key issues) identified in our Management Principle.

Based on our Management Principle, which consists of our Corporate Philosophy, Vision, and Action Guidelines, we have developed the Sustainability Policy and the Materiality (key issues) extracted and materialized from Action Guidelines.
Toshiba Tec Group will realize further sustainable growth and enhancement of corporate value by addressing the Materiality. We will also contribute to the achievement of the SDGs by addressing solutions to social issues.



To achieve sustainable growth over the medium to long term, we will strive to contribute to achieving the SDGs by reviewing each KPI in the Mid-term business plan (FY2024-FY2026) and optimizing target figures.

ESG Materiality Category (KPI) FY2023 End Results FY2024 End Target FY2025 End Target FY2026 End Target Relevant SDGs
EnvironmentE Response to climate change Total GHG emissions in business activities (thousand t-CO2) 37.8 15.3*3 7.7*3 6.2*3

Response to the circular economy Total waste emission intensity in business activities 7.0%
improvement in 5-year average intensity*1
improvement in 5-year average intensity
improvement in 5-year average intensity
improvement in 5-year average intensity
Consideration of ecosystems Total chemical substances emission intensity in business activities 10%
improvement in 5-year average intensity*1
improvement in 5-year average intensity
improvement in 5-year average intensity
improvement in 5-year average intensity
Received water volume intensity in business activities 8.0%
improvement in 5-year average intensity*1
improvement in 5-year average intensity
improvement in 5-year average intensity
improvement in 5-year average intensity
Response to climate change Total GHG emissions from the use of products sold (compared with FY2019 results) -30% -11.2% -14.0% -16.8%
Response to the circular economy Percentage of recycled plastic used in products and services 11% +11% or more +11% or more +11% or more
SocialS Securing/retention/development of HR Ratio of female managers 4.4% 6% 7% 8%

Ratio of new female graduates employed*2 25.5% 28% 30% 30%
Rate of male employees taking childcare leave 36% Higher than the previous fiscal year Higher than the previous fiscal year Higher than the previous fiscal year
Rate of attendance of training programs by position 98.9% 100% 100% 100%
Engagement survey Engagement score:
1 point or more improved from the previous fiscal year 1 point or more improved from the previous fiscal year 1 point or more improved from the previous fiscal year
Employee safety and health No fatal accidents 0% (No accidents) 0% (No accidents) 0% (No accidents) 0% (No accidents)
Number of employees with metabolic syndrome 32.2% Fewer than the previous fiscal year Fewer than the previous fiscal year Fewer than the previous fiscal year
Respect for human rights Communication of top management message about human rights Once (Dec.) Once (Dec.) Once (Dec.) Once (Dec.)
Harassment education Once-yearly e-learning program (Taken by 100.0%) Harassment survey Once-yearly e-learning program (Taken by 100.0%) Harassment survey Once-yearly e-learning program (Taken by 100.0%) Harassment survey Once-yearly e-learning program (Taken by 100.0%) Harassment survey
Appropriate responses to human rights risks 100% of whistleblowing cases dealt with 100% of whistleblowing cases dealt with 100% of whistleblowing cases dealt with 100% of whistleblowing cases dealt with
Human rights due diligence initiatives Implemented risk analysis by country/industry, risk assessment for high-risk bases (1 company) Formulated a three-year action plan Establish human rights due diligence framework and guidelines Conduct internal human rights self-assessment Continue internal human rights self-assessment Conduct employee evaluations Improvement activities Re-implement evaluation of impact on human rights
Promotion of sustainable procurement activities Rate of receipt of procurement policy endorsements (= Rate of signing of Basic Transaction Agreements) 100% 100% 100% 100%
Number of suppliers completing supplier sustainability survey 343 companies 180 companies*3 180 companies*3 180 companies*3
Number of education sessions about sustainable procurement Internal education sessions held: Once each Internal education sessions held: Once each Internal education sessions held: Once each Internal education sessions held: Once each
Strengthening of R&D for creation of innovation Number of AI personnel (Number of employees who have passed JDLA Deep Learning for General exam - cumulative) 128 130 150 150
GovernanceG Strengthening of governance Rate of attendance of Standards of Conduct education (e-Learning) 100% 100% 100% 100%
Positive evaluation in Board of Directors Effectiveness Evaluation Survey 86.7% Higher than the previous fiscal year Higher than the previous fiscal year Higher than the previous fiscal year
Ongoing implementation of voluntary monitoring program of internal control systems targeting all Group companies Once Once Once Once
Strengthening of cyber-resilience Self-evaluation of degree of cyber security maturity 3.66 Higher than the previous fiscal year Higher than the previous fiscal year Higher than the previous fiscal year
  • After the decline in efficiency caused by the fall in production value due to COVID-19 in FY2020, efficiency improved by a large margin from FY2022 with the recovery of production value.
  • Recorded based on fiscal year of activities (FY2023 result: new recruits joining in April 2024)
  • Reflecting the impact of business integration of MFP development and manufacturing with Ricoh Company, Ltd., and transfer of inkjet head business to RISO KAGAKU CORPORATION