CEO Message
Hironobu Nishikori
President and Chief Executive Officer
Today, we face environmental change and complex social challenges on a global scale. They include the impact of climate change due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as inflation, shortages of goods, and logistics disruptions caused by geopolitical conflicts. Even in these uncertain times, we share our corporate philosophy of “Create with You - Keeping our customers in mind all the time and everywhere-.” All of us in the Toshiba Tec Group strive to transform ourselves and to achieve sustainable growth with a forward-looking approach. In doing so, we aim to provide new value to the retail and offices worldwide as “a global top solutions partner.”
To this end, recognizing the importance of conformity between our global business development and international human rights standards, we announced the Toshiba Tec Group Human Rights Policy to indicate our clear stance and initiatives, and we are working on human rights due diligence. At the same time, we are also focusing on securing and developing talented employees in a systematic manner to achieve sustainable growth. Further, we are proactively addressing climate change through ongoing initiatives to realize a carbon-neutral value chain and accelerated efforts toward sustainability.
These initiatives have been positioned as our Materiality (key issues) identified in our Management Principle, and we are contributing to society through our efforts to achieve these goals.