Respect for Human Rights

We comply with universal principles regarding human rights and labor practices worldwide, and respect human rights through sound business activities.

Policy on Respect for Human Rights

Toshiba Tec Group has designated "Respect for Human Rights" as Article 1 in the Toshiba Tec Group Standards of Conduct and declares that it will conduct its corporate activities with due consideration for human rights. In March 2023, Toshiba Tec Group revised the Toshiba Tec Group Human Rights Policy to further clarify its stance and commitment to human rights by specifying policies related to the scope of application, governance structure, remedies and corrections, education, and information disclosure. With the globalization of business, various human rights issues have become more prominent social problems than ever before. Amid this, companies that are expanding their business globally are increasingly required to disclose information on their human rights initiatives, and are being asked to address human rights issues related to their corporate activities. We understand that corporate activities may have an impact on human rights and the need to comply with international standards on business and human rights. We will fulfill our responsibilities as a company by respecting the human rights of all stakeholders involved in Toshiba Tec Group's corporate activities and by conducting human rights due diligence.

In revising the policy, we referred to international norms and guidelines, including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and ISO 26000. This policy supplements the Standards of Conduct for Toshiba Tec Group and the Toshiba Tec Group Sustainability Policy, and applies to all persons working for Toshiba Tec Group, including directors, officers, and employees. We also request business partners, suppliers, and related parties to act in accordance with this policy.
The executive officer who oversees the Sustainability Management Group is responsible for implementation of this policy.

We recognize the importance of implementing our human rights policies not only within the Group but also throughout our supply chain. To this end, we stipulate this policy as “Supplier Expectations” in the Toshiba Tec Group Procurement Policy and request all parties' adherence. We monitor them through annual CSR surveys.

Action to implement the Modern Slavery Act

In light of the Modern Slavery Act enacted in each country, the local subsidiaries of the Toshiba Tec Group in the UK, Australia, and Canada have published anti-slavery and human trafficking statements. Each company clearly states that it does not permit forced labor or child labor under the TOSHIBA TEC Group's Code of Conduct and that it will fulfill its human rights responsibilities as a company, including within its supply chain.

Initiatives to Respect Human Rights

With the aim of establishing a discrimination-free organization that provides job satisfaction, we encourage our employees to foster awareness of human rights. We provide rank-based human rights education for new employees, appointed managers, and so on.
As a contact point for whistleblowing, consultation, and relief, we have set up an employee whistleblowing and consultation desk. And we have also established an internal reporting system for employees to provide information on a wider range of risks and compliance issues, not limited to human rights, to the CRO or outside attorneys. For a wider range of stakeholders, and to establish a grievance mechanism to resolve these issues, Toshiba Group joined the Engagement and Remedy Platform operated by Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER) in October 2022. JaCER is an organization that aims to provide the non-judicial platform for redress of grievances and to act in a professional capacity to support and promote redress of grievances and remedies by member companies based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Toshiba Group will respond to complaints and grievance reports in an appropriate manner by utilizing the platform to ensure fairness and transparency in the process.


Elimination of Harassment

Our Group Standards of Conduct, “Respect for Human Rights,” stipulates that we shall respect basic human rights, individuality and privacy, and embrace a diverse set of values among individuals, and refrain from human rights violations such as physical violence, sexual harassment, abuse of power (workplace bullying or harassment), and discriminatory remarks and actions against race, religion, gender, nationality, physical or mental disability, age, or sexual orientation. As such, we are continuing our efforts to foster awareness within the company to create a comfortable workplace where all executives and employees respect each other. Based on our strong stance that we will never tolerate any act of harassment, we are thoroughly implementing ongoing countermeasure e-learning, company-wide questionnaires, and rank-based education, mainly during “Workplace Harassment Elimination Month”. We aim to create a workplace environment with “excitement” and a sense of job satisfaction, where all employees feel respected as a human being, acknowledged, and welcomed.