Enhancement of Customer Satisfaction

We perform our business activities while giving top priority to providing products and services that please customers with safe and reliable quality. To achieve this, each and every employee always thinks and behaves from a customer point of view.

Voice of the Customer

Toshiba Tec's action guidelines are to find the nature of problems that customers really want to solve by taking the voice of the customer (VoC) seriously, and to provide in a timely manner high quality, performance products and services which are definitely convenient, by developing ideas through value creation with our customers in mind and using our own proprietary technology in cooperation with the world's leading partners. Based on these guidelines, we work on activities to satisfy customers, in other words, to improve the quality of our products and services. In addition, as a leading retail manufacturer that offers consistent services from product planning to development, manufacturing, distribution and maintenance, we aim to be a company that is always there for our customers. We give feedback on VoC that we receive via communication with our staff in charge of sales and maintenance to the ones in charge of product planning and development to provide quality products with high functionality. Moreover, we create new services and products through demonstration experiments in cooperation with customers.


Maintenance service

Maintenance services are considered to be a bridge to help customers feel comfortable using Toshiba Tec products. Toshiba Tec Solution Services Corporation, which is in charge of maintenance services in Japan, has 120 local business sites in place nationwide to provide after-sales services such as failure recovery. With the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction, we monitor the networks and systems of our customers under contract 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, via six system support centers nationwide, back up our customers by providing operational support in a smooth and precise manner, and utilize customer opinions and requests to improve services and operations, in collaboration with local engineers.

Customer support (Maintenance)
Customer support (Maintenance)

System support center
System support center

Activities as a Global Company

We uphold a global quality assurance system. We also share and utilize information on market quality through a worldwide service network in cooperation with manufacturing sites and sales subsidiaries.

We develop products on a global scale by giving top priority to compliance with laws, regulations and standards in each country.


Mishima EMC Center

Mishima EMC Center (anechoic chamber) at Shizuoka Business Center has received ISO 17025*, the International Standard for Laboratories. We comply with standards in each country and provide products in a timely manner based on reliable EMC measurements through the product life cycle.

  • *ISO 17025: International Standard for Laboratory Quality Management, Equipment and Technologies. Once a site has been certified, its high measurement reliability is confirmed and measurement data is available as official data worldwide.


10-meter anechoic chamber
10-meter anechoic chamber

Commitment to Safety and Security

We train specialists in product safety, reliability and risk assessment, and work on technical research to ensure quality that customers feel comfortable with, based on the Basic Policy on Product Safety. In order to ensure that our customers feel comfortable using our products and services, we implement risk assessments to prevent potential risks of failures and accidents, the possibility of which we have predicted, and then provide products and services that have passed through evaluation and verification processes. According to customer information provided by the maintenance service division, we also endeavor to ensure a higher operational level of safety by understanding customers' operating environments and conditions.

Safety review

Safety review