Promotion of Diversity Management

Promotion of Diversity Management

We believe that the utilization of diverse human resources, regardless of gender, age and nationality, leads to increased innovation and vitality, which allows us to more readily adapt to unexpected issues or changes in the market, thereby increasing our global competitiveness. Based on commitments made by our executives, we aim to achieve our Human Resources Strategic Vision by considering diversity management as an essential part of our management strategy. The Strategic Vision states that human resources and organizational strength contributing to the creation of customer value are to be enhanced and every one of us shall respect one another as professionals in order to create a strong and trusting relationship between all business areas. Accordingly, we are committed to increasing creativity and productivity through work-style reform, helping create diverse, autonomous human resources who can bring about growth and change, and fostering an organizational culture in which employees will feel motivated to aim for the next level.

Initiatives for Women’s Participation and Advancement

With an eye toward increasing the number of female employees who can achieve their desired career goals and work with enthusiasm, we are promoting initiatives to achieve the goals that have been set out in the action plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, by Fiscal 2025.

Starting in fiscal 2022, as part of our diversity promotion efforts, we have launched a project to promote women’s participation and advancement in the workplace and are working to raise awareness within the company. Various events were held for all employees to understand diversity in their daily lives, including an introduction of our diversity promotion status, a seminar on support systems for balancing work and family, and a roundtable discussion with male employees who have taken maternity leave.

Ratios of female employees and female managers (Toshiba Tec)

Progress in action plan based on Act on the Promotion of Women's Participation & Advancement in the Workplace

Recruitment activities to hire female employees

Since fiscal 2017, we have been holding a company briefing session for female students and an exchange with female employees with the aim of helping new female graduates develop a clear image of working at Toshiba Tec and increasing the ratio of new female graduates employed. The company briefing session features a variety of initiatives to promote women, systems to support work and life balance, and showcases the successful examples of female employees. In the exchange with female employees, we introduce their career paths. In addition, we will continue to provide information on our website, such as the ratio of female employees and female managers, as well as internal systems that can be utilized in accordance with life events, in order to make it easier for people to imagine how they would like to work at Toshiba Tec.

Promoting Recruitment, Participation and Advancement of Non-Japanese Employees

Toshiba Tec Group actively recruits non-Japanese employees. In addition to the recruitment of foreign nationals who have studied in Japan, we have been carrying out the Global Recruitment Program in an effort to directly recruit students graduating from universities overseas since fiscal 2010. After joining Toshiba Tec Group, they play active roles in various fields such as sales, development and design.

Number of non-Japanese employees

Promoting the Employment of People with Disabilities

We are actively hiring people with disabilities and improving workplace environments to bring their capabilities into full play.

Promoting the Employment of People with Disabilities

Work Style Innovation (WSI)

We are working on activities to accelerate work-life balance under the unique name of Work- Style Innovation (WSI). WSI refers to a campaign aimed at creating a virtuous cycle, where employees work in an efficient and lively manner as well as making the most of their private lives to rejuvenate and improve themselves so that they can add higher value to their work.

Streamlining and arranging considerate working hours

We are working on correcting long working hours, in order to allow the participation and advancement of diverse human resources, and to promote WSI. Each employee promotes activities to increase productivity by changing their working styles and methods.

Streamlining and arranging considerate working hours

Supporting employees in balancing work with childcare/nursing care

We are improving and expanding a variety of support systems and enhancing their flexibility in order to help all employees work with enthusiasm and fulfillment to carry out their responsibilities at work while living healthy and prosperous lives that enable them to have time for childrearing, nursing care and other personal matters.

Creating an environment in which employees can continue to work with peace of mind

Since July 2015, we have implemented the Mutual Understanding Program for Childbirth and Child Care to help employees prepare for life events such as childbirth and child rearing at ease and continue to work for a long time after these events. This program is intended to develop an easy-to-work environment where supervisors and employees have periodic interviews to deepen mutual understanding during the period before and after maternity/child care leave.

After the launch of the program, we had the first male employee take childcare leave in 2015. Since then, more and more male employees have applied for this program, with 17 male employees taking childcare leave in fiscal 2022.

Rate of male employees taking childcare leave (Toshiba Tec)

Employee awareness survey

We conduct an employee awareness survey (the TEAM Survey) to solicit the opinions of employees. With the purpose of improving employee engagement, we understand their awareness and measure the performance of the organization to identify problems and the gap in recognition, to bring improvements in management style and corporate culture. Based on the survey results, we hold dialogue with employees where the company president and other top management members can confirm all employees’ opinions and thoughts in order to deeply assess the true issues to understand the awareness level, then formulate and execute the optimal action plan.

Fostering a corporate culture that provides job satisfaction

In order to instill a culture throughout the company where diverse individuals can think outside the box and take on challenges together to pursue an ideal vision, we are implementing measures to foster a corporate culture that provides job satisfaction. We consider it important that every employee thinks independently and proactively, engages in honest discussions instead of keeping a polite face, and takes action, thereby expanding companywide team activities across the hierarchy to address business challenges through vertical and horizontal collaboration. Executives and each business group held a number of meetings to engage in serious talks for team building in a relaxed atmosphere. We aim for a corporate culture that allows the management team and employees to have frank discussions on substantive matters, develop understanding together, and take action to achieve their visions. In fiscal 2020, we also introduced a program called “Self-Biz” as one of the systems to enhance independence of employees and another called “T-POT (Peer Bonus),” in which employees express gratitude to each other. In fiscal 2021, the company-wide one-on-one interview system was introduced as a communication tool to support growth of employees and maximize performance of the organization. Our attempts also included a “10-percent Thinking Time” as a scheme to allow employees to spend 10% of their working hours on what they want to work on, apart from their regular duties, with the aim of promoting independent initiatives of employees.

An Offsite Meeting

A meeting scene

Promoting Active Participation of Senior Employees

With the aim of developing a system to help senior employees work with enthusiasm regardless of their age, in fiscal 2017, we have introduced a Senior Expert System that clarifies the expertise and roles expected of them for commensurate pay, as well as a new training program (Career 30 Program) that helps raise their awareness.

We will encourage senior employees to participate more actively in the workplace by improving the system and program and by merging their own awareness with that of their workplace colleagues, thus deepening mutual understanding.We will encourage senior employees to participate more actively in the workplace by improving the system and program and by merging their own awareness with that of their workplace colleagues, thus deepening mutual understanding.