Environmental Management Promotion Structure

Toshiba Tec Group is practicing environmental management based on the corporate philosophy and sustainability policy.
Under the key pillars of environmental management—Promoting environmental management harmonized with business operations, Reducing environmental impacts through business activities, Offering environmentally conscious products and services, Working together with stakeholders—we are striving to reduce the environmental burden.

Environmental management at Toshiba Tec Group

Environmental Management of the Toshiba Tec Group

Environmental Management Promotion Structure

At Toshiba Tec Group, matters on climate change and other important environmental issues are reported from the Corporate Environmental Officer to the President at Management Committee meetings then reflected in the Group’s management strategy, if they are important and relevant to risks and opportunities that affect corporate management. Prior to the deliberation and decision-making by the Management Committee meetings, policies, strategies, and measures related to the environment, including climate change, are discussed at the Corporate Environmental Conference chaired by the President (Chief Environmental Management Officer). The conference takes place semiannually, with the participation of each business group’s Environmental Management Officer, the Environmental Promotion Officer, the Corporate Staff Group Manager, and the Strategic Environmental Management Division.

Environmental Management Promotion Structure