Toshiba Group’s Environmental Future Vision 2050
As a member of the Toshiba Group, Toshiba Tec Group has set Environmental Future Vision 2050. With the goal of “contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through environmental management which aims to create enriched value and ensure harmony with the earth,” Environmental Future Vision 2050 aims to realize a sustainable society—in other words, a decarbonized society, a resource-circulating society, and a society in harmony with nature.
To realize our vision in 2050, we will promote the implementation of initiatives in three areas, namely, “response to climate change,” “response to the circular economy,” and “consideration of ecosystems,” as important pillars of environmental management; strive to integrate business activities with environmental activities; and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and the achievement of the SDGs, such as climate change mitigation and sustainable consumption and production.
In particular, risks and opportunities associated with response to climate change is one of our important management issues. In our action plan toward 2023 (the Seventh Environmental Action Plan), we have set KPIs relevant to response to climate change, in terms of both business processes (Greening of Process) and products and services (Greening of Products).
Setting GHG Reduction Targets for FY2030
For its targets for FY2030*1, Toshiba Group has acquired the Science Based Targets (SBT)*2 certification. In addition, new reduction targets have been submitted to the SBT Initiative in accordance with the updated SBT certification criteria.( Tec Corporation will contribute to the achievement of Toshiba Group’s goals through investing in energy saving facilities and expanding the use of renewable energy in the Group’s business activities for Scopes 1 and 2, as well as by offering POS systems, MFPs, and other environmentally conscious products for Scope 3.
*1 Targets for FY2030 set before the revision of the Environmental Future Vision 2050 (i.e. before November 2021)
*2 Science Based Targets are scientifically grounded GHG reduction targets set by companies on a medium- to long-term basis in order to restrain the global average temperature increase to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The targets are certified by the SBT initiative. Toshiba Group acquired the certification based on the targets for FY2030 set before the revision of the Environmental Future Vision 2050 (before November 2021)
Corporate Data
- Topics
- CEO Message
- Toshiba Tec Group Sustainability Policy and Materiality KPI
- Special Feature SDGs x Toshiba Tec
- SDGs of Toshiba Tec
- Information disclosure based on the TCFD recommendations
Basic Policy / Vision / Strategy
- Basic Policy
- Toshiba Group’s Environmental Future Vision 2050
- Environmental Management Promotion Structure
- The 7th Environmental Action Plan
- Promoting environmental management harmonized with business operations
- Offering of Environmentally Conscious Products and Services
- Reduction of environmental impact in business activities
- Social
- Governance
- Feature: 5-Minute Guide—Toshiba Tec CSR Activities
- Integrated Report