
Toshiba Tec Group works on compliance activities while thoroughly observing laws and regulations, internal rules, and social customs on a global basis.

Security Export Control

Export control is aimed at preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and other sensitive items at countries and regions of security concern or terrorist organizations. Export transactions of goods and technology that have potential weapons of mass-destruction (WMD)/conventional weapons applications are restricted under laws and regulations. Our basic policies of export control are as follows:

We shall comply with all applicable export control laws and regulations in each country and region of operation (the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law in Japan), and with those of the United States if we are engaged in transactions involving U.S. origin cargos and technologies. We shall refrain from any transactions that may undermine the maintenance of global peace and security. Pursuant to these basic policies, we have established the Export Control Program and built an export control system. Accordingly, we make cargo/technology relevance judgments and strict transaction screenings for determining the need for export permission, conduct periodic export control audits, and provide education and support to our group companies.